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Welcome to
Jose Graphics


We are a

graphics design company
specializing in creating 'camera ready' art works
for distributors and suppliers
in the

products industry.


We are experienced in designing artworks by retouch, vectorize and we complete all types of artwork to be sent for any type of printing. Our artworks can be done from all sources such as scanned tiff images, photo images, clothes / materials, business cards, rough sketches etc. Also we specialize in creating clipping paths, template placing,  virtual Specs, image editing, digitizing, web designing and flash presentation. We offer all services at competitive rates with the best of expertise and we work round the clock.

We are now in the process of forming alliances with companies world wide for Designing Services.
We work with partner companies across the globe and are constantly on the look out for fresh challenges that can push us to the limits of our technical and creative abilities.
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We take your blurry, poor quality, low resolution image and manually redraw it to recreate the design and colors accurately as vector artwork. We also create advertisements / layouts for Newspapers / Magazines.

CORE TEAM : Our team of skilled work-force is competent in Illustrator, Corel, Freehand and Indesign technologies. Our aim is to insure timely delivery of world class, high quality digital services backed by the assurance of an experienced supervisory and management team that serves as the customer interface.
Our ability to deliver high quality artwork solutions rapidly and at amazingly low prices, has helped us build a good customer base, which is growing everyday. We have qualified graphic designers and the latest infrastructure.
We are well equipped to deliver the output within 16 hours, or even the same day if required.


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